Instead, I've been dismantling and reconfiguring cardboard boxes for this Friday's parade. Here's Donald sporting my prototype of the cardboard cars for the parade. Note that it is not yet decorated, as the kids will be doing that on parade day with colorful markers. We are also trying to find some bumper stickers from the Drive In to put on their cars. We have gotten authentic Drive In movie popcorn boxes to fill with popcorn to eat as we march down the street watching the movie. Should be fun!
I particularly like the license plates!
I have finally swallowed my fear of critique, and I've joined a Bee! I think there might be a few spots left if anyone else is interested. I'm always worried that others won't like what I do, but all the positive feedback from you all on this blog is helping me to become more confident in my quilting abilities. My month will be August (when I'm not so darned busy with work! Ugh! I'm feeling monumentally overwhelmed today and doing my best to do what I can and not worry about the rest) so I have plenty of time to figure out what block I want others to make for me, but here's what I'm thinking:

I saw this photo somewhere online and saved it on my hard drive as something I'd like for myself (if it is your photo, please let me know so I can give credit). You know how I like scrappy, but I'd love to have the variety of so many other peoples' scraps, not just mine. Besides, this is one of those blocks where you actually make two blocks every time you make one - more bang for your buck! We'll see, I might come up with some other idea in the next 8 months. Anyway, I can't wait to get started in January making blocks for others.
Tonight is Donald's karate class, Jason's basketball practice, and then a road trip to watch my husband's team play (and hopefully beat!) Roanoke College. The good news is, there is no way I can cook dinner so we are eating out. The bad news is, yet another day where I'm not likely to get much sewing done. Maybe some hand quilting on my last wallhanging at Jason's basketball practice. We'll see.
I did a similar star a few years ago with large crumb blocks. I like this look with the strings. will have to add that to my future TO DO. cw
The cars are cute ,the kids will have so much fun decorating them .What a good mom you are ,
I like the block placement in this quilt ,your an excellent quilter ,relax and have fun.
Too bad you are so far away. I have a great Scout bumper sticker I don't need. The kids will have fun with the decorating, I am sure.
I like the scrappy look of that pattern. If you belong to a group that looks critically at the work of members, do not stay. My personal quilting friends are more like my blogging friends. They give support and encouragement and make suggestions when asked.
I love the floats so far and your confidence in joing a bee. I love the quilt and say GO FOR IT!!! that would be a riot to get people's scraps and combine them all as their blocks come in!!! I too am not quilting not much and I can empathize with you. Love, Em
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