Let's go back to Friday. Because of all the rain in Philly, the two schools I was supposed to visit were closed. Luckily, one of the counselors informed me of this the night before so I didn't get up early to be thwarted by locked doors and empty classrooms. Instead, I spent some more quality time with my sister and nephew. How rewarding to visit her where I get to sleep under a quilt that I made and see my nephew on his quilt and wearing a bib I made him. THAT is why I quilt - to see my creations in loving use.
On my way back to Virginia, I stopped in to see my old neighbors. Unfortunately, the husband's alzheimers is so bad that he is in a special unit and the wife, my quilting buddy, is living alone in a room in the assisted living facility. I miss them so much, not just them being my neighbors, but them also being the vibrant, energetic, independent people they used to be. My friend and I went out for a nice late lunch/early dinner, and then I rushed the rest of the way home to pick up my boys for one last time at the drive-in movies this season. (Incidentally, on Sunday, there was a membership meeting at the drive-in, and it turns out I volunteered 14 times this summer - wow! I had no idea!)
Ideally, Saturday should have been a day of rest. Ha! You know better! We started the day with karate testing - Jason and I got our brown belts and Donald got his yellow belt. (and my husband failed his photography test)
My mom came over to watch/support us, and we all went out for lunch together before she headed back over the mountain, and I headed home to my sewing room. I want to get some Dresden Plates ready to take on my next trip with me. However, wouldn't you know it, my machine started acting up! I took it apart, cleaned it, fiddled with the tension, and finally got it working, but by then it was time to leave. Argh!
Off we went to a cub scout campout. It was loads of fun, but I was super tired, so I jumped at the chance to sneak off to bed when I noticed Donald falling asleep around the campfire.
On Sunday, I finally made some headway in the sewing room, but not with the Dresden Plates. I cut up a strip of yellow to make centers for some log cabin blocks, and started piecing some scrappy log cabins. I added another column to the scrappy lap quilt I started two weeks ago. And I made this drawstring backpack for Donald to keep his karate uniform in.

It is made from another old t-shirt that I never wore, with the reverse applique D, the top edge and the lining made from fabric from my stash - I'm not just busting fabric stash, I'm busting T-shirt stash, too!
It is made from another old t-shirt that I never wore, with the reverse applique D, the top edge and the lining made from fabric from my stash - I'm not just busting fabric stash, I'm busting T-shirt stash, too!
Right now, I'd love to catch up on all the blogs I've been missing these past few weeks, but I need some sleep. Today was another lunatic day with work, karate, grocery shopping, checking on the painting job at our rental property and all the every day activities that make up living and loving a family and pets. I wonder if I can convince my husband that he wants to massage some of the tension out of my shoulders...
But before I sign off, I noticed that I've passed 200 posts. I'm not sure I have anything to give away that anyone would want BUT I am headed to Mexico, Costa Rica and Ecuador starting this Thursday. I would LOVE a reason to go shopping. How about a giveaway? I don't know what the prize(s) will be yet, but they will be from one or more of those three countries. Leave a comment by midnight Eastern Standard Time on Thursday, October 7th to be entered, and I will choose a winner (or two, or three) to be the recipient of some of the booty I am sure to find in the "mercados artesenales" that I am sure to visit! I am happy to ship anywhere in the world. Be sure to leave a way for me to contact you.
A big THANK YOU to everyone who reads my rambling posts about my adventures in quilting and child-rearing and life, in general. The connections I make with the people I "meet" through blogs bring me comfort and give me hope in a world that I find harder and harder to understand.
Oooh, have a fun trip!! I would love to go to Costa Rica! And I think the way you write about your family - they sound amazing. :)
My goodness how do you do it I get tired just reading everything you've done .Enjoy your trip and congrats on the belts .
I have told you before I am exhausted just reading about the schedule you keep. You are one of my favorite bloggers and your quilting is amazing! Have fun on your trip. Sew Bernie
Holy Hannah, you are the mother of the century!!!!!!!!!!! and friend for lifetime!!! Are you getting to take fam on the trip, I LOVE LOVE Costa Rica!!! Your nephew's baby quilt is a fav of mine and was tickled to see it again. Love to you, Em
You are so busy - I'm exhausted from hearing about it. But you're lucky too Mexico, Costa Rica, Ecuador! I travelled in Central and South America when I was 24. That was a long time ago. I hope this isn't a work trip, or if it is that there are lots of cancelled meetings (that you find out about before you go there). Have fun and yes of course I would like to win something :)
I always enjoy hearing what you are up to Erin. Your life is so interesting. Have fun travelling.
Ummmmmmmm...where did you fit all this activity in ? You've been home for about three hours.
I like coming here because you're real Erin. You arent one of those Stepford wives who pretends she has it altogether all the time. I can totally relate.
Keep being you babe.
What a whirlwind you are!!! Please, please, please be careful in Mexico!! Things are soooo unstable there now. Of course, I would like to win something from your trip! Is this trip business or personal?? Either way, have a great time.
Can I please get some of that energy to go? Will you be bottling that anytime soon? You've come a long way from My Quilt Blog. Love the picture of your nephew. Such a cutie!
I truly appreciate your blog. The true story of a mother who will do anything to do what is best for her family. I really love to read someone else's "ramblings" when I feel like I do the exact same thing. Hope you have a great time on your trip.
You are building wonderful memories for your children as they grow with all of the fun activities you do with them. Your nephew is a cutie and his quilt looks so bright and colourful! Congrats on the belts- my mother's pictures always had heads cut off --we always know who took those pictures in the photo album! Happy 200 posts and keep blogging!
Have a fun trip. Not many people get to go to such fun places for work. I get to go to the buildings on campus. LOL You got me started blogging. I love you string quilt.
You are one remarkable young lady! I don't know how you do it all really, but well done you!
You make me tired just reading what you do. Congrats on the belts. Have fun on your trip.
I bet you look forward to the traveling being done for awhile, although you got to connect with family and friends - such a great thing. Your upcoming trip sounds wonderful. Have a great time! I love how you've used the tshirts.
I am playing catch up with my cyber friends, so what did I miss? just kidding, slow down girl- enjoy your trip-
(what did I win?)- cw
If only I had 1/100th of your energy/stamina. Enjoy your trip!
I bought a house ~7 months ago. The only room that I got around to painting was my guest room - with a Central American theme! I've been to Guatemala and El Salvador, so I've sworn to only fill the room with authentic artwork - whether it be colorful paintings or woven fabrics. I would absolutely LOVE another piece to put in there! By the way, I don't comment often, but love following your blog. Your quilts really get me in the sewing mood.
Safe travels. Congrats on the brown belt! Lane
I hope you have a safe and uneventful trip. I don't comment often but I do enjoy reading your blog. I have even checked out some of your reading suggestions from my local library. I would love to entered into your giveaway.
I am so with you - I LOVE it when I see my gifted quilts being used. I hate it when someone tells me that they are "saving" the quilt I gave them. Saving it for what? Their descendents?
Pamela in SOMD
You are so busy! Have a safe and fun trip!!
Oh Erin, you ARE a busy girl. Your adventures wear me out haha. Love the photo of your adorable nephew on that beautiful quilt. I agree - that is why we do this!
Have a great trip. You deserve some fun...and a rest!
I so enjoy reading your blog. I love seeing your projects and hearing about your family.
Have a wonderful and safe trip!
So neat to see the baby on his quilt - the quilt that is one of my favorites of yours.
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