At last, I was ready. Armed with scissors, I carefully cut open the box sent from my friend down in Atlanta. Upon hearing of my sewing machine woes, she volunteered to send me hers. I had no idea what kind it was, I was just thrilled to be able to piece again!
(Now, C, if you are reading this - thank you, you are a gem. Please do not think that I am ungrateful.)
Here's what was in the box.

A Singer Tiny Tailor. If any of you are familiar with this machine, it is a mending machine, not a sewing machine. Okaaaay, I thought, I can make this work until I can get something else. But no, I can't. There was no power cord in the box.
My high spirits plummetted. I despaired of ever piecing again! (It smacks of histrionics, I know, but I've been having a crappy week, and this latest setback was sending me over the brink.) So, here I am, the kids ensconced in front of a 90 minute video, the house as clean as I'm going to try to get it on a Wednesday evening after a long day of work, and me, slouched on the couch feeling sorry for myself.
Well, time to get my therapy another way - I pulled out my Bright Future quilt and started hand quilting. Then I remembered another special delivery I had received - a recording of an Alabama PBS special, "The Quiltmakers of Gee's Bend", has been making the rounds in my quilt guild, and someone had dropped it off to me on Tuesday. So, I popped it in and watched a video of my own while I sewed.
I already knew about their quilts. I've seen the books, I bought and used the stamps. But I didn't know the story. Oh, my goodness! Here I was despairing over not having a sewing machine for a few weeks, and these quilters had lived with as close to nothing as is possible for years! I was inspired, and I was ashamed. I have no right to despair. The truth is, I have so many quilt tops to quilt or tie, it is actually a blessing for me to not have access to a machine so I can focus on what needs doing rather than getting distracted by piecing another idea in my head.
One attitude adjustment, coming right up!
Isn't it wonderful to find that feeling when we're low? That whole no shoes, no feet thing. Lane
Hi Erin, So glad to hear nice people out there (like'C') are willing to help out a fellow quilter in need. I'm sorry the cord was missing, but so glad to hear it prompted you down a different path that evening. Sounds like you needed to slow down and have the chance to hand quilt. Please post some photos of how its coming along, would love to see it! Also tell D Congrats on loosing his first tooth! What a milestone! Sam xoxoxoxox
How disappointing the cord was missing on the machine that C sent you, it was, however, a blessing in disguise.
Did the tooth faairy come to your son?
Erin, I feel your pain.....and your joy! It seems like the last couple of months my life has been full of making lemonade out of the lemons I've been handed. I'm becoming quite the gourmet lemonad-er!!! I have also found that they have presented me with several blessings that would have been missed had the lemons gone a different route! Bless you!! Have a great weekend!
Erin, I wish I was on the porch with you right now! Sending you love, Em
So sorry about all your sewing machine troubles. That is a real bummer. I have a book on the Gee's Bend Quilts and it is wonderful.
sew close but no cord- it will be funnier tomorrow. you know women we are never satified, I want a machine, I want a machine- poof you have a machine, I want a cord, I want a cord- here's your cord, I want electricity, it never ends.... so seriously just kidding, reminds me every manic moment I have ever had, I got my machine fixed, it is sitting (with the cord plugged in) and hasn't been touched in 2 weeks. how much you wanna bet when I do purpose to use it that the needle is broke- hang in there.
I know how you feel - last year when my machine was on the fritz I was desperate but then funny things began to happen, my aunt loaned me her old one, someone I didn't know gave me a really good one and then mine came back from the fix-it store where it wasn't as broken as I thought. Now I just found one at a garage sale for $5 and gave it to a friend. There is one out there with your name on it - even if you have to go and find it - it's there for when you are ready. Until then, enjoy your time hand quilting! Lisa
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